what do I think of a portrait

I think that a portrait is nothing more than the capture of a person's personality. In my opinion it is important to know what you want to achieve and not ask yourself too many questions, but take photographs, only by looking at your own photos or those of others who you can recognize or recognize in another time or place.


“A picture is a secret about a secret,
the more it tells you the less you know.”

-Diane Arbus-

what is digital for me

I think it is still a means of filming but with some differences compared to film. My career has been divided exactly in half between film and digital and I can say that I have not found any difficulty in using digital even if I have not changed the way I photograph

Lo Studio 75 di Luigi Gaita ringrazia tutti coloro che hanno partecipato direttamente ed indirettamente e tutti coloro che hanno sostenuto questo ampio lavoro_ Per qualsiasi cosa la pagina web dedicata contiene una casella di posta elettronica alla quale potersi riferire.



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what do I think of a portrait
